For Refugees
Are you a student with a refugee background and would like to study at the University of Kassel? Are you encountering increasing obstacles or difficulties?
Then you have come to the right place.
We at the project "Sustainable prospects of staying and educational participation for students with refugee experience" want to support students with refugee experience (international students are implicitly included) in starting their studies and taking the first steps.
Our project is very needs-oriented, so you can always come to us with your concerns and we will then look together at how we can help you.
Please contact us at and briefly tell us about your request.
Then we would be happy to offer you a consultation.
We can support you with the following issues :
entry at the University of Kassel
Application and Enrollment
Support in communication with the immigration authorities
Financing: housing benefit, citizen's allowance, BAföG, emergency fund, semester ticket reimbursement, scholarships, etc.
support in finding a job and housing
support in language acquisition
organization regarding health insurance
support in organizing psychological help
If your issue is not listed, you can still write to us and we will see if we can help.
Other offers
Through our buddy program, you could also have another student at your side who can provide more intensive support with tasks such as finding a job or accommodation. For example, you can write applications for student jobs together. In the past, we have also offered workshops on the topics of "application letters," "scholarships," and "recognition of foreign educational qualifications."
Our philosophy
Our goal is for experiences to be shared and for a network to be created. This way, students with refugee experience can learn from each other, but students without refugee experience can also share their experiences. Ideally, this creates a nice framework for cultural exchange and you already have more social contacts here in Kassel.
Since only students work on the project, there are hardly any hierarchies and a better mutual understanding. We want to create a space where people can talk to each other on an equal level. And you feel comfortable speaking to us freely about your life situation and your concerns.
Zusammenarbeit mit/ Anlaufstellen:
Wir als Projekt sind innerhalb der universitäten Strukturen gut vernetzt und können dir mit unseren Erfahrungen und unseren Netzwerk weiterhelfen. Wir arbeiten u.a mit folgeden Anlaufstellen und können dich entweder bei der Kommunikation unterstützen oder dich an die betreffenden Stelle weiter schicken mit deinem Anliegen.
International Office
Fachbereiche und Professor
AStA und Fachschaften
Außerhalb mit der Universität arbeiten wir auch mit folgenden externen Partner:innen zusammen:
Diakonie, Caritas, Parität
Verschiedenen gemeinnützigen Vereinen
Ausländerbehörde, Sozialamt und Bürgerbüro
Kontaktiere uns doch gerne unter und schreibe uns kurz dein Anliegen.
Dann können wir dir gerne eine Sprechstunde anbieten.